Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More about Me:

What other talents do you have?
Answer: I like to sing, paint, and dance. Pretty much a lot of artsy things! :)

What is one your pet peeves?
Answer: Bullies!

Do you have any pets?
Answer: I have two cats that I adopted from the humane society. I don't believe in pet stores. There's too many pets at the shelters that need homes. I would rather support those things.

What is one of your favorite animals?
Answer: The Great White Shark. I know, scary, right?  It started in grade 8.  I had to do a report on an animal and it was worth quite a bit of our mark.  The teacher had mentioned a student getting 100% on their project the year before.  I so desperately wanted to receive a 100% on my project!  Anywho, I dived right in (mind the pun, because honestly, I wouldn't dive in anywhere with sharks. ha ha).  I picked the Great White because of a fear I had of them.  I wanted to learn more about them in hopes that I wouldn't be so scared.  To make a long story short, I received 98% on my project, which I was very proud of, and I did manage to learn a lot about this type of shark.  In learning more about them, I became intrigued and not as afraid.  However, their looks are still a bit of a shocker, especially when they are surfacing from the dark water with their razor sharp teeth exposed...ok, I'm done with this question. ;)

What was the last thing that you ate that was considered a treat? 
Answer:  I had a cinnamon and chocolate chip muffin! It was delicious!

Tea or Coffee?
Lately I have been drinking coffee, but to tell you the truth I prefer tea.  Especially Ceylon Green Tea!

Jellybeans or Swedish Berries?
Answer: Candy is tasty (when you limit your intake...I'm talking to you, kids! I guess some of you adults too, that like to indulge too many times).  I would most likely choose the Swedish berries, in fact, I am sure of it.  Gummy candies of any kind are usually really good!  Although...I am not a fan of peppermint or cinnamon tasting gummys.

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