Friday, January 17, 2014

Live in the Present

Freedom to Fly

Where have you been?

WELL!!! It has been a while since I have written or put together a blog post. I apologize for that. 2013 was both a very exciting and challenging year.

To be quite candid, there have been some wonderful opportunities that have opened doors, but there have also been some darker moments that have closed some doors.

In this last year, I have learned so much about what I want and what I don't want. I have grown into myself more than I ever have been able to in past years. My clarity is better, my focus on life is better, and my being the best of myself that I can be has grown. All in all, I can say that even though I have dealt with a lot of emotional and harder times in 2013, it ultimately lead me to where I am now. I am thankful for that. Sometimes in our trials, we are tested, and then we come to know what we are truly made of. I have decided to make lemonade out of the lemons that happened in 2013. I have decided that 2014 will be MY year.

I hope you have all had a wonderful 2013, but I hope you have an even better 2014!